"All I have to say is: Hallmark Channel, when? Hayet has created a holiday script that hits all the sentimental notes audiences expect while still sidestepping many clichés and obvious choices one would anticipate. I was particularly struck by the nuanced conversation around adult children’s obligations to their parents. HUGO SAVES CHRISTMAS...IN MAY! is a no-brained for theatres—especially since it can be produced year-round!”
- JOHN BAVOSO, Playwright
"The comedy that flows from that stylized setup is clever, but at the end, TALKING POINTS digs deeper to reinforce a family’s caring support for a young man grieving a lost love."
"I have to admit that, while Angela's moral stance is a little Shakey, she brought up some fair points about dating, rejection, fragility and mercy. Hayet's DATE WITH DEATH works on so many levels - from what men expect and what that means to women, what people will put up for a chance at romance, the value of human existence be it with lovers, friends, or coworkers - and it's absolutely hilarious on every one! Lots of belly laughs and great roles for three actors with deadly deadpans."
- SCOTT SICKLES, Playwright​ & TV Writer
"My high school Drama Club students performed PLAYING WITH FIRED for SUNY Oswego's Drama Festival and won "Outstanding Scene" for the day of performances. The adjudicator was impressed with the level of character development achieved. Everyone loved it! The students had a great time preparing these funny and in-depth characters. The audience laughed out loud along with some audible "awwws" in the sweet, more sentimental moments. Since it is only ten minutes, there is no time for any fluff. Every line serves a purpose to move along the plot or to help develop the realistic characters.”
- ANNA LUISI, Theatre Educator​
Perfectly written for the Zoom medium, and realizing all of Zoom's dramatic potential, Steven Hayet creates a beautiful work about the nature of isolation and keeping hope alive in dire circumstances. You are quickly invested into Jessica's story and feel that ache of empathy so many of us must have, and may still feel in the midst of the global pandemic. And yet, despite a situation that could easily give way to gloom, Hayet is able to infuse joy and comedy into the long-distant friendship formed between Jessica and Lory. KEEP THE MUSIC GOING is a beautiful play brimming with optimism despite such bleak times. ”
- FRANKY GONZALEZ, Playwright​ & TV Writer
"I dare you to read KEEP THE MUSIC GOING without tearing up. Isolation and friendship are something we have now all experienced. But Hayet has upped the ante to a new level and he leaves you thinking about the human bond. And our need to connect. It’s a strong need."
- CLAUDIA HAAS, Playwright​
"The characters are fantastic, the dialogue is sharp, and the jokes are perfect. I didn't want EVERLASTING CHOCOLATE THERAPY to end. I especially loved that each character got a moment of poignant reflection, even in the midst of the hilarity. You feel for all of them, even as you're laughing.”

"I've been this girl. I've known this girl. DINOSAUR is such a sweet, relateable, and funny take on anxiety and how it can take hold of us-- even when it may seem absolutely ridiculous to the rest of the world. A great story about friendship and overcoming the hard times when leaving the house just doesn't seem possible.”
Absolutely adorable. Hayet has won my heart over with this precious little play. There is so much love and sweetness in this play and if you read it (or see it) and don't immediately go, "awww," then I am sorry to inform you that you are broken. The whole play is sweet and funny and quirky, but what's really special about it is Grandma's speech at the end--which is simply one of the loveliest speeches I've ever read in a play. Funny and economical, TALKING POINTS is a delightful ten minute play that would be great for any festival. ”
- EMILY HAGEMAN, Playwright​
"DATE WITH DEATH is the perfect dark comedy for a festival or anthology. It's smart, it's fun, and also brings up this problem we have with the word no (and the problem that is dating culture as a whole). This might be my favorite play from Hayet yet."
- SHARAI BOHANNON, Playwright & Podcaster

"Oh my God, this play. I love it. So imaginative, laugh out loud funny, and sweet. A truly inspired idea: the kids from the chocolate factory fifteen years later, with all their neuroses and biases and attempts at forgetting their childhood traumas. It's hilarious, but it has so much heart at its center. It's truly a play about accepting change and embracing your identity. I would so dearly love to see a production of EVERLASTING CHOCOLATE THERAPY. ”